A friend researched relocating a tree in her yard. She was told that she had to consider its Protected Root Zone (PRZ) before relocating. In order to protect the tree, she could not disturb anything within its PRZ.
What is a PRZ? It is the area around the tree where the roots grow and attach to the surrounding environment.
We all have a PRZ that supports us. For some our reach is wide and deep. We feel connected to others, our community and our environment. We protect our PRZ to make sure that it does not get hurt and deepens. We want to ensure that it continues to grow and thrive.
For some we are just growing in a new place, new job, situation or in new relationships. Our PRZ is beginning to take shape.
- Who and what is in your PRZ?
- How do you touch others, the community and your environment?
- What impacts your PRZ?
- How do you nourish or weaken it?
- What makes it thrive?
Like trees, we all have roots and grow in the proper environment with good support. How are you ensuring that your protective root zone stays strong?