Over the weekend I went to the 9/11 Memorial Museum. It was a powerful experience and truly paid tribute to the lives of the individuals who perished as a result of the attacks that day.
At the end of the tour, to paraphrase the Museum director, “The role of museums is not to tell you what to think. It is to ask you what to think about.”
Often we want to tell people what to think. We believe relationships and team dynamics would be easier if people thought like us.
While that may feel true, there is value in diversity of thought. When people are thinking differently about things, various viewpoints and issues arise. We see with a 360 degree perspective.
Conversations that get us thinking about are stimulating and energizing. They spark creativity, possibility and yes, sometimes, conflict.
What kinds of interactions are you leading?
Encouraging thinking about is a way to honor individual spirit and freedom.
What do you think about that?