• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2016
  • 0

What Can You Learn from Being Bear Aware?Recently I had the amazing opportunity to hike in the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park. A major concern in the parks is the possibility of encountering a bear. In addition to carrying bear spray, there are three tips we were given should this happen.

These guidelines are also applicable to organizations. They can make our environments safer and more fulfilling.

  1. Make Noise Communicate. Find your voice. And don’t just make noise, make meaningful dialogue. Be willing to express a different perspective.
  2. Travel with others – don’t hike alone Collaborate and support others. Partner both inside and outside of your organization.
  3. Don’t leave trash. If you take it in, take it out. In organizations, trash looks like gossip, negative talk, disrespect or parking lot conversations. All of these can pollute the environment.

Following these guidelines both on the hiking trail and on your career path can help ensure a safer and more rewarding journey.