Resolutions abound at this time of year. We make lists of all the things that we want to do that we did not accomplish last year.
What if you created a “to be” list instead of a “to do” list. Beingness is within you. You embody it and it gives you strength and peace. Doingness often relies on willpower or outside forces. It is external and can lead to busyness.
For example, what if you focused on:
- Being present;
- Being in integrity with your values;
- Being patient;
- Being joyful;
- Being positive.
We do not “do” presence, integrity, patience, joy or positivity. How you be will help you accomplish what you want to do. It creates motivation and can be compelling. For example, if you focus on being slim, you will likely lose weight.
We are all good at doing. This year I encourage you to practice being.
Whether you are an extrovert or introvert, you can enjoy the parties by listening. Talk is cheap. Good conversation is priceless.