I just got back from a safari. One thing that stands out in the bush is that the strongest animals survive. Whether it is the males fighting other males for mating rites or the predators attacking their prey, this phenomenon is a constant.
In our world of business it is important to be strong and fast also. That said, adaptability is key to survival. Many large companies such as Kodak, TWA and Circuit City either no longer exist or are shells of their former selves.
Adapting to current and future environments and changing products or practices to reflect the existing reality is necessary. Were you googling, tweeting, couch surfing or posting on Facebook 10 years ago?
Check with yourself, your team, customers and competitors to get a pulse on what you currently do that works or needs to change. This will allow you to thrive both now and in the future.
After all, it can be a jungle out there!