As most of you know I am not technologically savvy, by any stretch. Therefore, I have been taking lessons on my iPad. They have been helpful and I have learned a lot.
Over the weekend I upgraded to the new model. When I was at the store setting up my new iPad I was visiting with a couple of the guys working there. While casually talking, they showed me some new techniques to use that were not taught in my lessons. The tips will be very useful.
I learned some great insights by just standing around talking outside the formal class structure. Very often at work we are so busy rushing from one thing to another that we don’t take time to listen outside the formal meeting structure.
My experience at the Apple store reinforced that we can learn a lot by tuning into the casual banter. Often what is shared in this manner provides different perspectives and ideas. As we know, hallway meetings can be extremely valuable.
If we are open to being present in all environments we may be surprised at what we can learn.