Mary Ann "Skipper" 2008 0 Transparency on TV During a recent 30-minute workout I saw the word transparency used on TV to market everything from McDonald’s french fries…Read More →
Mary Ann "Skipper" 2008 0 Clarity “Scarcity brings clarity,” I heard Marissa Mayer, VP at Google, say in an interview last week. These three words are…Read More →
Mary Ann "Skipper" 2008 0 What Do a Bus Stop, Bath and Bed Have in Common? Creativity. These are the places where we do our most creative thinking according to a speaker I heard recently. Many…Read More →
Mary Ann "Skipper" 2008 0 Gratitude Gives Back As Thanksgiving approaches we become more aware of giving thanks and expressing gratitude. In addition to making others feel good…Read More →
Mary Ann "Skipper" 2008 0 Sacrifice Sacrifice is a word that we have heard during the recent campaign. The word has the same root as “sacred.”…Read More →
Mary Ann "Skipper" 2008 0 What Do You Have in Common with the Candidates? Tomorrow we will know who will lead our country for the next four years. The campaign season will finally be…Read More →
Mary Ann "Skipper" 2008 0 Ghosts and Gremlins At Halloween ghosts and gremlins appear and try to scare us. The truth is we live with ghosts and gremlins…Read More →
Mary Ann "Skipper" 2008 0 Room for Improvement A friend of mine recently won $10,000 in a home improvement contest. Decorators provided new furniture and accessories to make…Read More →
Mary Ann "Skipper" 2008 0 Live Your Life as a Gambler, Cheater, Liar and Thief Every day we are bombarded by the woes on Wall St. We hear about the greed and excesses of organizations. …Read More →
Mary Ann "Skipper" 2008 0 Phelps Phans Pheul Phenomenon Saturday was a special day in my neighborhood and city of Baltimore. Our community celebrated the homecoming of Michael Phelps,…Read More →