• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2008
  • 0

The biggest lesson I learned from golf school was “soft hands.” The looser you hold the club and less control and pressure you exert, the more effective your shot. Your swing flows, your wrists turn and the ball has greater trajectory. It’s called a finesse shot for a reason!

We can apply this concept to our leadership. When we drive for outcomes with control and perfectionism we might actually miss the target (or point). We become or are perceived as being autocratic, arrogant and uncaring. Our force actually produces the opposite outcome desired.

Finesse is about touch. By loosening the reigns we engage and empower others. By caring, collaborating and creating connection, tasks and relationships flow more smoothly.

Results are important and we do not want to lose sight of this. Although it is counterintuitive, letting go or loosening the grip both in golf and at work actually produces a stronger results!