Mobil Travel Guide just announced five new 5 Star hotels in the United States. Currently, only 41 exist. What separates these from the rest? A key ingredient is service. Employees are passionate and welcoming, Mobil emphasized in making the selection.
How can you create or renew passion in your organization?
- Set a vision and discuss it often
Make it something that is easy for people to understand. Weave it into everyday life so that people can live it. Vision reignites people and reconnects them to what originally excited them.
- Acknowledge others
Reenforce people’s accomplishments and the qualities that they bring to the situation. We get busy and forget. No news is not good news. It is demotivating.
- Engage people
Ask others for their input. Have meetings that invite discussion and are not just about reporting. Get buy in. When people feel valued, they become passionate.
Practicing these ideas will make your organization and each member a star.