Everyone I know was thrilled to gain an hour yesterday when we turned our clocks back one hour yesterday. Because we feel we never have enough time, this was a gift.
How can you gain extra time during your day? There are numerous time management books to give you tips and we frequently address ideas in my workshops.
The best way I recommend to gain time is to be present. Be focused and be in the now. Rethinking the past or wandering to the future will rob your energy. It can cause worry, doubt and anxiety. It distracts from our ability to focus on what is happening now.
As Eckhart Tolle says in his book, The Power of Now, worry cannot exist in the present. Being present has a way of expanding time. We enrich interactions and increase our awareness when we truly experience and feel them.
While the clock gives us an extra hour once a year, we can give ourselves more time daily by being present.