Halloween brings out gremlins, ghosts and haunted houses. In fact, Americans spend millions on decorating and preparing for this occasion.
That said, many of us live with these October symbols daily.
We have gremlins in our heads that remind us that we aren’t good enough, we couldn’t possibly achieve that goal or apply for that opportunity. These gremlin voices sabotage us. They keep us small and prevent us from playing big and reaching our potential.
Many of us live with ghosts of former bosses, teachers or parents who told us things that have haunted us for years. We live with their comments as truths today even if they are not factual.
These beliefs impact our choices and the actions we do or do not take.
Similarly, our past experiences can incite fear like the rooms in a haunted house. They can make us overly cautious, skeptical or cynical depending on the situation and the lesson remembered.
Halloween is one day where we intentionally focus on scaring ourselves. What do you do on the other 364?