As we start the New Year many of us resolve to do things differently. We commit to:
- eat “better”
- exercise “more”
- lose “some” weight
- be “less” stressed
After mid-January many of us have given up on or broken our resolutions. The problem with general goals is that they are not specific. It is difficult to accomplish an adjective. When we say, “better,” “more,” or “some,” we do not know what this looks like.
By setting specific and measurable goals we have a tangible target and accountability.
Saying, “Eat fruit three times a day” or “Go to the gym four times a week” creates a clear roadmap. We know when it is and is not happening. We know where we stand in relation to our target. We can adjust accordingly.
This can be your year to accomplish what you want. By being specific, developing an action plan and celebrating your successes along the way, you can do it!