• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2016
  • 0

Are You Smarter Than a First Grader?You’re likely familiar with the expression, “Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten.”

Shimon Peres, former President of Israel and Nobel Peace Prize winner, passed away recently. He shared wisdom with first-grade students on their first day of school. It was a lesson for life. He told the youngsters to be “daring, curious and dream big.”

Many new experiences, any unchartered territory or most things we accomplish require these characteristics. We must bring courage, inquisitiveness, a bold vision, and sense of hope to navigate life.

Think about the last difficult conversation, miscommunication or innovative idea you had. How important was your ability to dare, probe for understanding or imagine beyond what exists?

These characteristics can be applied from our first day of school through our first day of retirement and beyond!