Steve Jobs retired as CEO of Apple last week. He is an innovator who changed our culture. His thinking and the products Apple developed transformed the music, telephone and computer industries. The Mac and i products impacted how we listen to music, talk on the phone (in addition to other apps) and do our work.
Jobs has been compared to Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. Giants spark innovative products and services. They develop new concepts that often people do not even know they need. They sometimes do this in the face of naysayers.
Being a big thinker takes courage, creativity, passion, innovative thinking and a willingness to fail and start over. Jobs once said, “Getting fired from Apple (in 1984) was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.”
Leaders transform cultures. Jobs is a true leader who created a legacy for how we interact and communicate.
What is your legacy?