You cannot open the newspaper or turn on the TV or radio without seeing opinions on the healthcare debate.
While President Obama likely has some diverse perspectives in his cabinet, ultimately certain decisions remain his.
We all have a Cabinet in our heads. We hear different voices around certain issues and decisions we face daily.
As the President of You, Inc., how do you treat the various participants who attend the meeting in your head? They all have a message to convey. Do you hear it? Do you treat attendees with respect?
Notice how you run your meeting. Are certain voices getting more air time? Are some perspectives marginalized? Are some louder than others? Who would you like to have a greater voice? Who could ally with this perspective?
As the President you are the final decision maker. Remember, even though some of these loud voices who hijack the meeting seem and sound like you, they are only thoughts. Do not confuse them as your essential self.
When it comes to health care, there is no debating the fact that raising your awareness around how you run your cabinet meeting and whom you let attend, will increase your peace of mind and create more proactive outcomes.