A group of 5th grade dancers inspired me with their energy, commitment and passion. I saw their year-end performance as the culmination of a program, Momentum, that teaches confidence, dance and teamwork to inner city school kids.
There were four principles they shared with us in order to do well in Momentum and life. They are applicable to middle schoolers, college grads and those of us who have long since been out of school.
- Do my best
- Work hard
- Never give up
- Be fit
As adults I observe that the two hardest teachings to follow are never give up and be fit. When obstacles arise or naysayers appear, we can get derailed. We lose our drive or belief in ourselves and the ability to persevere.
We also can easily stop being fit. Fitness encompasses both physical and mental agility. We lose balance between work and play and between healthy and negative self-talk.
Fitness requires ongoing practice and stretching our muscles sometimes beyond what we think we can do.
These four lessons will keep all of us in momentum!