E + R = O says Jack Canfield in his book, The Success Principles. An event plus a response equals the outcome. How we respond to a situation determines the result and its impact going forward.
One of the best examples of this formula in action was demonstrated by Michelle Knight, one of the girls who was kidnapped and held hostage for 10 years in a Cleveland house. She stated in a recent interview, “I will not let the situation define who I am. I will define the situation. I am looking forward to my brand new life.”
This powerful message is an inspiration for us all. As we face illnesses, job losses, deaths of loved ones, divorces and unanticipated events, Michelle reminds us that we can choose how we respond.
While we have all faced bad situations, they are likely not as horrific as hers. Think of challenges in your life.
- How did you react?
- How did it serve or support you? Would you respond the same way
- with benefit of hindsight?
How do you define yourself?