I saw an interview on CNN about a documentary on fathers in honor of Father’s Day. The movie maker asked people what their biggest regret was. They said it was not spending enough time with their kids.
In our fast paced, demanding, quick turn around response time culture, this can be a challenge. Whether a father, mother, caretaker or single person, we all face work/home demands.
Often we sacrifice time spent with those closest to us (including ourselves) in service of other things on an ongoing basis.
This is a good week to step back and evaluate the choices we are making. While we always have a choice sometimes it may feel as if we do not.
Answering these questions can help you clarify and get a perspective on what is most important and how you can honor it.
- What do you want to look back and remember and how do you want to be known?
- How perfect do you believe you or things need to be?
- In what areas are you willing to let go of control?
- Who can support you in accomplishing tasks?
- What do you need to generate greater balance?
As the message in the documentary reminds us, we want to be present and make time for the priorities in our lives.